Day 2. Medical Massage Protocol for Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 8CE
March 16 @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
The first part of the class covers very common abnormalities in the function of the elbow Lateral Epicondylitis a.k.a Tennis Elbow and Medial Epicondylitis a.k.a. Golfer’s Elbow. Nature of abnormalities as well as evaluation of the soft tissues of the elbow and corresponding Medical Massage protocols are discussed in detail. Homework for the patients as well as future preventive measures are presented.
The second part of the class is dedicated to the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. We discuss the difference between local and reflex variants of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, soft tissue evaluation and Medical Massage protocol for the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Homework for the patients as well as future preventive measures are discussed as well.
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