Student Clinic in Peoria, AZ

Student Clinic

Certain times are available throughout the year to get student massage therapy. Please read all the information before scheduling your appointment.

What’s our goal?

The goal and vision is to be more than traditional “relaxation” massage. We are a
medical massage school and that’s what will set our students apart.
Students will use unconventional massage methods, whether that will be
positions you are not accustomed to or assessments that you haven’t had done.
before. Overall goal is for our students to get enough data and information to
help you find solutions.
We are here to provide a great service, but our goal is to step out of the service
provider mindset and help our students gear towards a solutions provider
mindset. They are here to give you the results you need to help manage pain.

Ideal client?
Anyone who is in pain and who can most importantly trust that we are equipping
students to give you the treatment you need.
Willing to be patient as we instruct our students to think outside the box, even
during your session. This is still a learning environment for the students.
Someone who values massage for what it is and where we want to take it.
Massage is stepping into the medical world, and we want to help pioneer that
vision with our school and students.

Treatment: We now have specific days that we are covering areas of the body in which you may have pain.

There are no-refunds after you book your appointment. We suggest you gift it to someone else who might benefit from a great massage.

Student Clinic Peoria and Tucson Arizona 

Phone Number: 623-216-7157 

Email: [email protected] 

Please call or email to make an appointment! No more online booking. 

Prices: $15/30min, $25/60min, $35/90min  

(FYI-Tips go to school for student fieldtrips, cadaver lab, supplies, people with disabilities, veterans and graduation) 

Peoria Tues/Wed Evenings Peoria Thursdays Peoria Tuesdays TUCSON Tues/Wed Evening 

1/21 Tuesday: 430-530pm Public with Neck Pain  

1/22 Wednesday: 430-530pm Public with Back Pain  

2/5 Wednesday: 715-815pm Public with Upper Arm and Shoulder Muscle Pain 

2/12 Wednesday: 715-815pm Public with Forearm Muscle Pain 

2/19 Wednesday: 715-815pm Pubic with Foot, Ankle, Leg Pain 

2/26 Wednesday: 715-815pm Public with Thigh or Hip Pain 

3/5 Wednesday: 715-815pm Public with Visceral Pain 

3/19: Wednesday: 445-815pm Custom-Making Massage Sessions and Treatment Plans, 30, 60 or 90 minutes 

4/9:  Chair Massage Clients: 445-815pm  

4/16: Custom Medical Massage or general Industry standard All T/W  5-6pm and 630-730pm from here on  

4/22 5-6pm and 630-730pm 

4/23 5-6pm and 630-730pm 

4/29 5-6pm and 630-730pm 

4/30 5-6pm and 630-730pm
5/6 5-6pm and 630-730pm 

5/7 5-6pm and 630-730pm 

5/13 5-6pm and 630-730pm
5/14 5-6pm and 630-730pm
5/27 5-6pm and 630-730pm
5/28 5-6pm and 630-730pm
6/3 5-6pm and 630-730pm 

6/4 5-6pm and 630-730pm   
3/13: 230-330pm and 4-5pm -Side-Lying Massage 

3/20: 230-330pm and 4-5pm Case Study Volunteer 

4/8: 430-530pm Public with neck pain   

4/9:430-530pm Public with Back pain    

4/17:430-530pm Public with Upper arm pain 

4/24:430-530pm Public with Forearm wrist hand pain   

5/1:430-530pm Public with Leg foot and ankle pain   

5/8:430-530pm Public with Hip and Thigh pain   

5/15:430-530pm Public with Visceral pain Anatomy   

5/22:430-530pm Public with psoas or pelvic floor pain or dysfunction   

6/19:430-530pm Chair Massage practice on public   

6/26: Evening 230-330pm and 4-5pm Custom Medical Massage or general Industry standard from here on. 

7/3: Morning 930-1030am and 11-12pm     

7/3: Evening 230-330pm and 4-5pm  

7/10: Morning 930-1030am and 11-12pm       

7/10: Evening 230-330pm and 4-5pm  

7/17: Morning 930-1030am and 11-12pm       

7/17: Evening 230-330pm and 4-5pm  

7/24: Morning 930-1030am and 11-12pm       

7/24: Evening 230-330pm and 4-5pm  

8/7: Morning 930-1030am and 11-12pm       

8/7: Evening 230-330pm and 4-5pm  

8/14: Morning 930-1030am and 11-12pm       

8/14: Evening 230-330pm and 4-5pm  

5/13: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm-Side-Lying Massage   

5/20: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm-Case Study Volunteer  

6/10: 230-330pmPublic with neck pain 

6/11: 230-330pmPublic with Back pain 

6/12: 230-330pmPublic with Shoulder pain  

6/17: 230-330pmPublic with Upper arm pain 

6/24: 230-330PMPublic with Forearm wrist hand pain  

7/1: 230-330pmPublic with Leg foot and ankle pain 

7/8: 230-330pmPublic with Hip and Thigh pain  

7/15: 230-330pmPublic with Visceral pain Anatomy 

7/29: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm Custom-Making Massage Sessions and Treatment Plans, 30, 60 or 90 minutes   

8/19: 1230pm-330pm Various times Chair Massage  

8/26: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm Custom Medical Massage or general Industry standard

9/2: 730-830am and 9-10am 

9/2: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm

9/9: 730-830am and 9-10am  

9/9: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm   
9/16: 730-830am and 9-10am 

9/16: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm  

9/23: 730-830am and 9-10am 

9/23: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm  

10/7: 730-830am and 9-10am 

10/7: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm  
10/14: 730-830am and 9-10am 

10/14: 1230pm-130pm and 2-3pm  

1/21 Tuesday: 4:30-5:30pm Client with Neck Pain.  

1/22 Wednesday: 4:30-5:30pm Client with Back Pain.    

1/23 Thursday: 4:30-5:30pm Client with Shoulder Pain.  Regular Schedule 5-9pm   

1/29 Wednesday: 730-830pm Client with Upper Arm Muscle Pain.   

2/5 Wednesday: 730-830pm Client with Forearm Muscle Pain.   

2/12 Wednesday: 730-830pm Client with Foot, Ankle, Leg Pain.   

2/19 Wednesday: 730-830pm Client with Thigh or Hip Pain.   

3/5 Wednesday: 730-830pm Client with Visceral Pain.   

3/19: Wednesday: 530-830pm Custom-Making Massage Sessions and Treatment Plans, 30, 60 or 90 minutes.   

4/2:  Chair Massage Volunteers: Varying times between 5:30-8:30pm   

4/16: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm   

4/22: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm  

4/23: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm   

4/29: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm   

4/30: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm   

5/6: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm  

5/7: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm  

5/27: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm  

5/28: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm  

6/3: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm  

6/4: Student Clinic 530pm-630pm and 7-8pm      


No Tolerance Policy!! 

Refrain from:  
• The use of illegal drugs or the use of intoxicants prior to or during treatment sessions.  
• Improper hygiene.  
• Nudity or exposure of any private areas.  
• Failure to report any conditions or injuries. 
• Illicit behavior. Overt or covert sexual solicitation or flirting. This includes inappropriate language or moaning. 
Any volunteer who violates the school’s Code of Conduct, disobeys regulations and/or policies, interferes with the educational process, steals, or destroys property, is boisterous, obscene, or in any other way conducts him/herself in a manner so as to detract from the classroom or the image of ARIZONA SCHOOL OF MEDICAL MASSAGE AND WELLNESS, LLC is subject to immediate termination from our educational program, Massage Book, and authorities will be called if necessary. 

Thanks to a $10,000 Grant from the American Massage Therapy Association and Massage Envy, ASMMW was able to install privacy curtains for the student clinic!!

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